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Immunisations: Take Control of Your Health with a Strong Immune System

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It is an afternoon in a crowded schoolyard. Playful shouts are all over the place, and children are chasing each other with carefree abandon. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. But what if a hidden germ is about to change everything? A child who has not been vaccinated may carry the germ without even knowing it.

This virus can spread to others whose immune systems are weaker and can lead to severe health conditions.

Immunisation helps your body build a  healthy immune system. That’s the reason why vaccines are so important! This scenario can become a reality if we don’t protect ourselves and our community with the help of immunisation. Vaccinations for children are as essential as they are for adults. Want to learn how immunisation keeps you safe? Keep reading! 

What is Immunisation? 

Immunisation is a process that helps your body defend itself against diseases. It involves receiving a vaccine which is a weakened or inactive form of a germ (such as a virus or
bacteria). Vaccines teach your immune system how to address and fight off specific diseases. The primary purpose of immunisation is to help you build a healthy
immune system.  

How Do Vaccines Work and Help Build a Healthy Immune System? 

Vaccines act like a training program for your body. The vaccine may be a weakened version of the germ, a piece of it, or a small amount of something that that particular
germ makes. 
This triggers your immune system to spring into action. It makes proteins called antibodies that target the germ. Then, if you later encounter the real germ, your immune
system recognises it immediately. Those antibodies fight it off, preventing you from getting sick. 

The Importance of Vaccines

Vaccines are vital because they protect us from getting seriously sick with dangerous diseases. They keep us healthy and help us live longer lives. Plus, they also stop the
spread of diseases to other people and help you keep a healthy immune system.

Herd Immunity Explained 

Herd immunity is when a lot of people in a community become immune to a particular disease. This can occur when many people recover from the illness and develop
immunity or when people get vaccinated. The best part is that herd immunity makes spreading the disease much tougher. This means that even those who weren‘t 
immunised themselves can still be protected! It’s like having a shield around the whole community that keeps everyone safe and sound.  

How Did Vaccines Save Us from COVID-19?

Since late 2020, COVID-19 vaccines have been a lifesaver! These vaccines have greatly reduced deaths from the pandemic by more than half. Thanks to these vaccines,
over 1.4 million people in Europe who might have gotten very sick are still alive and well. The vaccines were beneficial for people over 60, who are more at risk from this
virus. In fact, the first round of booster shots alone saved over 700,000 lives! 

Different Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and When You Should Get Them 

Please note that these schedules can vary slightly depending on your location and individual health factors. It’s always best to consult your doctor for a personalised plan. 

Crucial Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Immunisation Schedules

Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP): Protects against three serious bacterial infections. 

Schedule: 5 doses in childhood (2, 4, 6, 15-18 months, 4-6 years) 

Booster (Tdap) is recommended for adults at 11-12 years, then every 10 years.

Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib):

  • Prevents bacterial infections that can cause meningitis, pneumonia, and other complications.

    Schedule: 3-4 doses in childhood, depending on the vaccine brand.

Hepatitis A: 

  •  Protects against viral liver infection.

Schedule: 2 doses starting at 12 months.

Hepatitis B:  

  •  Prevents another viral liver infection.

Schedule: 3 doses starting at birth 

  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Protects against cancers caused by HPV, including cervical cancer. 
    Schedule: 2 doses recommended before age 15; 3 doses if started after age 15  
  • Influenza (Flu): Protects against the seasonal flu virus. 
    Schedule: Annually from 6 months of age and throughout life  
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): Protects against three highly contagious viral diseases. 
    Schedule: 2 doses in childhood (12-15 months, 4-6 years)
  • Meningococcal: Prevents bacterial meningitis. 
    Schedule: Dose at 11-12 years with booster at 16 years. Additional doses might be needed for high-risk individuals.  
  • Pneumococcal: Protects against bacterial infections causing pneumonia, meningitis, and more. 
    Schedule: 4 doses in childhood, additional type recommended for adults 65+  
  • Polio (IPV): Protects against paralytic poliovirus. 
    Schedule: 4 doses in childhood  
  • Rotavirus: Protects against a virus leading to severe diarrhea in infants. 
    Schedule: 2-3 doses in infancy, depending on vaccine brand a 
  • Varicella (Chickenpox): Prevents chickenpox 
    Schedule: 2 doses in childhood


  • COVID-19: Protects against the severe complications of COVID-19 infection. 
    Schedules and booster recommendations vary.
  • Consult your doctor.  
    Shingles (Zoster): Prevents shingles, a painful reactivation of the chickenpox virus. 
    Schedule: Recommended for adults 50+  
  • Pneumococcal: An additional vaccine type is recommended in addition to the childhood series.
  • Tdap: A booster is recommended every 10 years
    and may be given during pregnancy.

Important Considerations

  • You can even click on this link to learn more about the Ministry of Health Immunisation Schedule. 
  • Some vaccines are given in combination for efficiency (like MMR).
  • Specific high-risk groups might require additional or different schedules.
  • Talk to your doctor about catch-up vaccinations if you’re an adult who missed childhood doses.

Where You Can Get Your Vaccines? 

You’ll need to schedule an appointment at your local health center to get your vaccinations. You can register yourself on Cellmaflex to schedule an appointment.
Many organisations usually have one or two days a week just for giving vaccines. Call the health center closest to you to find out their schedule. You can find a list of health centers on Cellmaflex or by clicking the link below. Some private doctors also offer vaccines.

Please remember that hospitals generally only give tetanus shots, so go to your health center or doctor for other vaccinations. Don’t wait! Register today and take a first towards a healthy immune system.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information is strictly for informative purposes. It is not intended to be used in lieu of professional medical advice, inclusive of diagnosis or treatment. It is strongly advised that you seek a doctor’s medical advice on any treatment or medical condition that you learn about.