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Anxiety Disorder Explained: Symptoms, Types and Calming Techniques

Anxiety Disorder Explained Symptoms Types and Calming Techniques

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Emma is a young professional with a lively personality and a strong sense of responsibility. However, in the past few weeks, she noted signs of almost debilitating fatigue and constant worry, even for her routine tasks. The first time she felt these symptoms, she thought it was just stress. But Emma gradually found herself avoiding social interactions and felt paralysed with fear just at the thought of her daily responsibilities. However, the turning point came when she experienced a full-blown panic attack during a work presentation. Desperate for help, Emma then sought guidance from a healthcare provider she found on Cellmaflex and booked an online appointment without the need of any phone call.

Clinical evaluation by the healthcare provider revealed that Emma was suffering from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). Emma’s healthcare provider, equipped with Cellmaflex was able to smoothly manage her condition by tracking her symptoms and providing real-time support. Through systematic goal setting, encouragement and motivation, Emma was finally learning how to deal with her issues and handle her life again.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health conditions globally. It affects people irrespective of age and socioeconomic status and its incidence has been on the rise over the past few years. Read the blog to know what anxiety disorder is, the symptoms, types, causes and calming techniques.

What is an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorder is a mental health condition. If you are suffering from anxiety disorder, you are likely to react toward certain situations with a lot of anxiety. Anxiety disorders can make it really hard to get through the day for a person. Everyone is bound to be a little or generally apprehensive. For instance, going for an interview, a test, making an important decision or facing another problem at work can make one nervous. There is a certain level of anxiety which can be adaptive — it really helps us alert ourselves of dangers and directs our actions in times of the threat. However, an anxiety disorder goes beyond the regular nervousness and slight fear you may feel from time to time.

When it occurs:

  • You tend to be over responsive to normal circumstances (i.e., overreactions).
  • It is difficult for you to function normally.
  • You lose control over how you respond in different situations.

All ages are susceptible to these disorders – children, teenagers, and adults. According to WHO, over 300 million people in the world have anxiety disorder. This makes anxiety disorder the most common of all mental disorders.

What are the Types of Anxiety Disorders?

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), which is the standard reference manual for diagnosing mental health conditions, the types of anxiety disorders include:

  1. Agoraphobia: This arouses an overwhelming fear of being unable to escape or find help should an occasion arise owing to being pushed or feeling crowded. Many of the people who suffer from agoraphobia are afraid to go to new places or be in new situations, whether those are large open areas or small enclosed spaces, crowds or being outside the home.
  2. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): This condition makes life feel heavy and mentally exhausting more than usual. It is described as excessive and recurrent worrying about ordinary matters such as work, health, upbringing, or even running day-to-day errands.
  3. Panic disorder: Such a condition describes people who suffer from several unexpected panic attacks at unforeseeable intervals. One of the most significant points in the description of the condition is the fact that the attacks appear to be ‘out of the blue’ and are not associated with any other psychological or physical disorder. Some of the aggressive patients have panic attacks and also suffer from agoraphobia.
  4. Specific phobias: A phobia is when something causes you to feel fear or anxiety that so severe it consistently and overwhelmingly disrupts your life. There are hundreds of different types of phobias, and there one diagnosis for almost all of them: specific phobia. Only one phobia, agoraphobia, is a distinct diagnosis.
  5. Social phobia: Known earlier as social anxiety disorder, it occurs when people harbour intense and continued fear of negative evaluation and/or being scrutinized by others.
  6. Separation anxiety disorder: This condition occurs when you suffer severe distress when away from a loved one, for example, a caregiver. While separation anxiety is a natural development stage in babies and young toddlers, separation anxiety disorder can occur in children and adults too.
  7. Selective mutism: This condition occurs in those who remain mute in specific situations due to anxiety or fear. This usually occurs in young children, but older children and adults can be affected as well.

Certain mental illness diagnoses are accompanied by anxiety as well. These are PTSD, acute adjustment disorder and OCD. However, the American Psychiatric Association and other practitioners categorizes them as unique and not anxiety related.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

The symptoms of anxiety disorders vary according to the type. Physical symptoms may include:

  • Muscle tension
  • Restlessness
  • Cold or sweaty hands
  • Nausea
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dry mouth
  • Numbness or tingling in your hands or feet

Psychological Symptoms may Include:

  • Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts
  • Feeling panic, fear, dread and uneasiness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling panic, fear, dread and uneasiness

    What causes anxiety disorders?

Exact causes of anxiety disorders are not yet determined by researchers. However, they think a combination of factors plays a role. Factors such as:

  • Environmental factors – Anxiety disorder can be caused by a sudden or chronic stress that can alter the level of neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation. Thus, prolonged or chronic stress can precipitate anxiety disorder. Experiencing a traumatic event can also trigger anxiety disorders.
  • Chemical imbalances: There are chemicals which play some roles in anxiety such as- nor-epinephrine, serotonin, dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Relatively high levels or too little of such chemicals can contribute to an anxiety disorder.
  • Brain changes: A part of your brain called the amygdala plays an important role in managing fear and anxiety. Studies show that people with anxiety disorders show increased amygdala activity in response to anxiety cues. Anxiety disorders tend to run in biological families. This suggests that genetics may play a role. You may be at an increased risk of developing one if you have a first-degree relative (biological parent or sibling) with an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders often require a multifaceted approach that includes both professional help and self – help strategies such as:

  • Breathing/Deep Breathing Exercises: Effective and rapid ways of managing and getting over the physical aspects of anxiety include deep breathing relaxation methods. These techniques referred to as diaphragm breathing require the individual to inhale and expand the lungs in total so as to assist the nervous system.
  • Mindfulness: All action taken during the procedure shall be free from any evaluative judgment aiming to engage or get an interaction with the present moment. With the help of mindfulness, it is easy to stop the negative thinking and anxiety. Some easy but effective grounding exercises where you focus on your breath, your sensations, or the space around you.
  • Meditation: Practicing meditation regularly has shaped an individual’s attitude towards anxiety sufferers helping them reduce their anxiety symptoms. In particular, mindfulness meditation can help with anxiety by calming the mind’s state and enhancing the content of the thought at the moment. Regular practice of this technique makes an ordinary person more responsive to the provocations of anxiety.

How Cellmaflex Helps Patients?

Cellmaflex is an all-in-one digital healthcare hub for patients. Patients can sign up on Cellmaflex for free. Through Cellmaflex, they can search the directory to find the right specialist in a few clicks. Patients can easily view the doctors’ calendars and check their availability. With Cellmaflex, patients can directly book doctor appointments online without any phone calls. Patients can book online appointments with desired doctors with ease and receive appointment reminders. 

Patients can receive their test results directly, access the test results and health records anytime, anywhere. Patients can order prescriptions by finding pharmacies on Cellmaflex. 

Early detection of anxiety disorder and intervention is very important in managing it effectively. The earlier anxiety disorder is recognised and treated, the better the outcomes. Professional treatment should be sought after by people who have anxiety problems in order to get better. With Cellmaflex, it is easier, more organized, and more successful to treat anxiety disorders by finding the healthcare professional quickly.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information is strictly for informative purposes. It is not intended to be used in lieu of professional medical advice, inclusive of diagnosis or treatment. It is strongly advised that you seek a doctor’s medical advice on any treatment or medical condition that you learn about.