Beating cancer is a team effort! Hospitals need a way to keep track of everything to give patients the best care. Imagine a strong woman battling breast cancer. Her treatment plan, including chemotherapy sessions from the medical oncology department, gets messed up due to missing test results. Plus, appointment mix-ups…
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On a lovely sunny day, you went hiking with your friends. Everything was fine until one of them began to gasp for air. They find it hard to speak, and their face starts to turn pale! You’re clueless about what’s happening, and none of your friends even know what to…
Dealing with lupus disease can be tough as the body’s immune system starts attacking healthy tissue in different parts of the body, from the skin and joints to essential organs like the kidneys, heart, and brain. Did you know that around 5 million people worldwide are affected by lupus? It’s…
In today’s healthcare, you always want the best for your patients. Electronic referrals are a new way to connect doctors with specialists. This means patients can get the care they need faster! Electronic referral systems in healthcare have also been proven to improve patient outcomes. However, some institutions still use traditional ways to refer…