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The Ultimate Guide to Cellma’s Electronic Patient Records

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Hospitals and healthcare settings often face significant challenges in providing effective patient care. Healthcare providers are often stressed due to fragmented patient information, traditional reliance on paper records, and delays caused by manual processes. According to KES Systems, a Strategic Information Group company, 66% of health systems experience cybersecurity incidents, with data breaches costing an average of $10.1 million. Highlighting the importance of protecting patient data. Additionally, the lack of data analysis and care omissions further affects patients care quality. These challenges underline the need for a solution to manage hospital workflows and improve patient care. 

The solution for the above clinical workflow challenges is Cellma—an advanced, integrated electronic patient record (EPR) system. It is a comprehensive digital version of patients records that stores the overall patient journey and provides a holistic, up-to-date view of the patient’s health, enabling easy sharing with other healthcare organisations. 

The EPR system offers several benefits, including improved data accessibility, reduced administrative burden, enhanced patient safety with accurate information, and better collaboration between healthcare providers. 

The Impact of Electronic Patient Records on the Healthcare Industry

The use of electronic patient records is impacting healthcare services as it transforms the way healthcare providers are managing patient data, improving clinical decision-making, accessing real-time updates, and ultimately delivering quality and, more personalised care. The UK government’s 2023 mandate for NHS England outlines necessary steps in transforming healthcare delivery and improving health outcomes through digital adaptation, with a key ambition to have 90% of NHS trusts using electronic patient records by the end of 2023 and full adoption (100%) targeted by March 2025. 

The use of electronic patient records has streamlined the documentation process, improved the accuracy of patient data by minimising manual risk, and simplified the process of health information exchange (HIE).

Why is it essential to use a best-in-class EPR system like Cellma?

Cellma is a robust hospital information management software (HIMS) designed to simplify the workflows in hospitals for seamlessly managing the administrative, financial, and clinical aspects of a healthcare facility. It provides role-based access and two-factor authentication for safeguarding patient data right from the beginning. It is built on international standards like ISO 27001 for information security and clinical regulation like HIPAA and GDPR. 

Cellma offers 30-plus modules that can be customised according to the healthcare providers. To meet the standards of the healthcare industry, the modules can operate either as stand-alone or can be integrated into the system. Some of the unique and core modules of Cellma include 

EPR – Electronic Patient Records

The Cellma’s EPR module is one of the core modules that records all the patient information data throughout their treatment pathway. It stores all the basic information on patient demographics (contact details, emergency contacts, identification details, primary care providers, medical history, consents, and legal details). The EPR module utilises SNOMED-CT, ICD-10, and HL7 for accurate data entry and providing interoperability with global and regional systems. It is fully integrated with communication and imaging/lab providers for dual connectivity between HCPs and patients. It also provides real-time updates to the investigation report and voice-to-text functionality.  

Cellma’s EPR module handles life causalities processing with precision and sensitivity, ensuring compliance with organisational and legal requirements. Upon recording a patient’s causality, Cellma automatically updates the patient record with the appropriate date and required details. 

PAS – Patient Administration System

 PAS module ian essential module that manages all the important steps from a patient’s registration, admission, discharge, and transfer transactions. It allows easy registration of new patients based on the policy ‘one patient, one record.
. All the patient logs are updated with Cellma’s audit trail feature for proper accountability. Once the patient is registered into Cellma, a unique barcode number is generated for every individual patient, reducing the chance for duplication. The PAS module is integrated with other modules to ensure patient information is updated throughout the treatment pathway.  

Document Management Module

Cellma’s document management module helps in managing all patient documents (consent forms, treatment plans, discharge summaries, and any additional documents related to 

patient care) securely and easily accessible to the healthcare providers. It reduces the risk of manual record management and enhances the efficiency of hospital operations by providing centralised storage for all required documents. This module is integrated with Cellma’s EPR module, which allows users to scan patient prognosis and treatment notes, lab investigation results, and other interpretations directly into the patient record. 

Imaging Module

Cellma imaging module ensures that imaging requestsreportsand investigations are seamlessly integrated with the patient’s record and are accessible to authorised professionals for analysis. It supports imaging annotations and 3D imaging to enhance collaboration between radiologists and medical professionals, regardless of their location. The imaging module is DICOM compliant, utilising SNOMED CT coding, and can integrate with imaging and diagnostics systems, including PACS.  

Communication Module

Communication is important for effective treatment planning. Cellma’s communication module provides secure messaging, and collaboration tools and allows healthcare providers to communicate without any hassle. It provides emergency alert, multilingual support to enhance operational efficiency and ensure compliance with privacy standards such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Users can easily share information via email, texts, and patient portals.  


Cellma’s pharmacy module can electronically process prescriptions, ensuring that all details are entered into the system accurately. Real-time alerts are triggered during the prescribing process to inform pharmacists and prescribers about potential drug interactionscontraindications, or other safety concerns, ensuring that medication management is safeThis functionality helps preventing adverse drug events (ADEs) by ensuring that medications prescribed do not conflict with the patient’s known allergies or current medications. 

Billing and Finance Module

The finance and PAS modules are completely integrated, making it user-friendly. It provides detailed billing information (including functions such as cashier operations, payment receipts, and refunds) for the services and treatment covered by the hospitals. It also manages all the insurance claims for patients with transparency and accuracy. The billing module changes its forms based on the type of services providedwhether inpatient, outpatient, or daycare-based, on clinical encounters. It enables authorised persons to cancel selected invoices with controlled adjustments, thus ensuring that there is no error or unauthorised cancellation of invoices, but financial accuracy is achieved. 

Business Intelligence and Reporting module

Cellma’s BI module is equipped with reporting and analytics functionalities to make the operation of healthcare organisations effective and efficient by simplifying the process of gathering, analysing, and presenting clinical, operational, and financial data. It supports evidence-based, data-driven decisions with a variety of reporting options (simple, emails, service, automated reporting, Power BI, and SQL Server report) to cater to unique needs for healthcare organisations. 

Cellma’s reporting tools can produce patient-specific KPIs, such as Infection Prevention and Control Metrics (IPC), Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), and clinical risks. This enables health professionals to view the quality of care on a granular level, observe areas that can be improved, and commit to the highest levels of quality. 

Patient portal

The patient portal in Cellma is user-centric, designed to provide the best medical care to the patients. It highlights personalised dashboards and easy access to patients’ health records. It enables patients to book, cancel, or modify online appointments with calendar integration and automated reminders to keep the further treatment plan on track. With patient portal direct requests for prescription refills and dosage instructions, all are simplified. 


Cellma, a best-in-class EPR software, is here to make clinical practice easy. This complete electronic patient record system allows HCPs to manage patient’s medical records, improve administrative efficiency, and enhance medical support with centralised patient information. It features alerts and reminders for critical investigation outcomes, potential drug interactions, or follow-up appointments. Plus, providers can authorise lab test results and get standardised codes for easy reporting. Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to a smoother and more efficient healthcare experience with Cellma, the ultimate electronic patient record solution! 


How can using EPR software benefit your practice?

Using Cellmaan EPR software, can automate administrative tasks, enhance patient care, better communication. It can cut down the time spent overstudying the paper-based patient records; along with that, it ensures security and privacy. 

How can EPR software impact patients?

EPR software like Cellma has a significant impact on patients by enhancing the quality of care they receivestreamlining healthcare processes, proper care coordination, and timely follow-ups. 

How much does it cost?

It depends on the scope of your requirements and improves your patient care outcome. Get a free demo today to resolve all queries.

Is the EPR software customisable?

Cellma offers 30-plus modules that can be customised according to the provider’s requirements and that can be used to meet desired department needs. 

What level of interoperability does the software offer?

Cellma, an EPR software, is designed to provide easy data exchange between doctors and the hospital staff. It supports the following interoperability: 

  • Functional: System can effectively exchange data and work effectively. 
  • Structural: Maintain proper structure and organise data for consistency. 
  • Semantic: Allows the system to understand and use exchanged patient information meaningfully. 
  • Global integration: Adhere to international standards such as HL7, FHIR, and DICOM for sharing informative data. It also integrates with global health organisations like WHO and CDC. 
  • Regional integration: Compliance with regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA while utilising coding systems like ICD-10 & SNOMED-CT for clinical accuracy.